1 min
Our GHDs aren’t there for decoration in our classes. Unlike most gyms they aren’t there for hanging your jacket on or resting against between sets, though it is pretty comfortable!
It’s a real shame that in most gyms it is so underused because the GHD (Glute Ham Developer) is a fantastic tool for developing your trunk and posterior chain. Movements such as Glute Ham Raises and Hip Extensions can be game changers for your explosiveness and longevity.
If you really think about it, have you ever seen an explosive athlete without a solid set of wheels?
Glute Ham Raises work the hamstrings through both knee flexion and hip extension and as hip extension is so essential to sports performance eg. jumping, throwing and sprinting you can see why GHRs are regularly employed by Olympic weightlifters, professional footballers and sprinters to improve their game and help prevent injuries, particularly hamstring strains and ACL tears.
The correct use of the GHD takes a lot of practice and most of us will have to work through a variety of progressions to ensure we are able to use it to its full advantage.
Luckily our coaches can help you get the most from this excellent tool.