1 min
– the state or quality of being perfect.
– the action or process of improving something until it is faultless.
Variations of the Snatch make an appearance quite regularly in our program. A very basic description of the Snatch would be a movement where the bar is pulled from the floor to a locked arms position in one continuous move.
However, for anyone who has Snatched, this barely snatches, sorry, I mean scratches the surface of its execution.
The Snatch requires a combination of strength, explosiveness, coordination, mobility and stability that is rarely seen in any other exercises.
The word ‘Snatch’ means “to quickly seize something” yet paradoxically it can take significant time to become accomplished.
It also requires courage – propelling anything above your head can be quite daunting.
So why do we perform it?
The Snatch is the most explosive movement in all of sport and the aforementioned combination of strength, speed and coordination make it one of the best exercises available for improving athletic performance.
Plus, let’s be honest, being able to perform a Snatch looks cool and practicing it is fun. And if you need a new instagram or facebook profile pic, then a picture of you Snatching is sure to draw attention!
On a more serious note, when a Snatch is performed properly it provides a real sense of achievement, is beautiful to behold and athletically becomes unparalleled in its ability to build explosive power.
In saying all of the above, don’t worry about not yet being able to perform it ‘perfectly’, true perfection in the Snatch or CrossFit for that matter is never attainable and anyway, where is the fun in perfection?